Friday, September 28, 2012

Nirvana of Pure Heresy

Dream of me and at the fall of the night,
Give me a place in your mind where i can exist...
Shape me into what you desire,
Make me a fantasy, a nirvana of pure heresy.

Give me life.
Dream of me before the fall of dawn,
Let me, incrust myself onto your subconscious and do to you what no one dare...

I will take life as your mind take heights in the deep of the night,
A warm light to format your drizzly nights.
Like forbidden desires thirst i will take shape into your mind,
An heresy of pure fantasy, A nirvana of lust...

I will breed ideas of passion defying the laws of attraction,
breaking theories of abstraction,  On a playground deprived of rules and regulations.

I will take you to a place where time is irrelevant, physical exertion obliterate,
Somewhere between space and time...You will complete me...I will define you.


Gael K. Somayire

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